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Wastewater Aeration Market
  • On average, high-income countries treat about 70% up to 99% (in EU15)  of the wastewater they generate, while that ratio drops to 38% in upper-middle-income countries and to 28% in lower-middle-income countries. In low-income countries, only 8% of industrial and municipal wastewater undergoes treatment of any kind.


  • The global market for wastewater treatment-delivery equipment, instrumentation, process equipment, and treatment chemicals is €49 billion with an annual CAGR of 11%. Specifically, the aeration systems used in conventional wastewater activated sludge plants typically account for half of a treatment facility’s total energy use.


  • Three regions, namely Europe, North America, and East Asia & the Pacific are the largest in expenditures. In East Asia& Pacific the majority of expenditures are for building new facilities. In North America and Western Europe funds are intended mainly for upgrading existing facilities. In Eastern Europe, the funds go to building new and upgrading existing facilities.


  • In the next decade or two, the largest rates of urbanization will occur in the smaller urban centers (between 500,000 and 1 million inhabitants). This will greatly impact wastewater production and the potential for both decentralized treatment and use.


  • By 2030, global demand for water is expected to grow by 50%.  Most of this growth will be in cities, which will require new approaches to wastewater management. At the same time, wastewater management may also provide some of the answers to other challenges, including food production and industrial development.

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