Company history and achievements
The phenomena of cavitation were documented over a century ago, particularly the flow of water over propellers that coupled with other dynamics creates bubbles that implode.
Cavitation - related technologies were mostly implemented in military applications, like special munitions and supercavitating-torpedoes ( Russian "Shkval, Iranian " Hoot", German " Barracuda". USA DARPA announced the “Underwater Express Program.” By implementing the “physics of supercavitation” with better control over the process hydrodynamics, they seek to achieve new generation small submarine underwater speeds of 100 knots from today’s 25 knots.
ACT co-founders began work to harness powerful phenomena of developed hydrodynamic cavitation and supercavitation for industrial applications at 2006. This novel approach presented a potentially disruptive technology that would dramatically reduce industrial processes costs, reduce environmental impacts, and realize novel processes that could not be possible by means of other technologies.
One of the best and representative examples is the realization much more efficient wastewater treatment to reduce the energy spendings in a way that no other existing technology could match.
Applied Cavitation Technologies Ltd was founded and registered in Israel at 2010.
Distinguished Achievements and R&D Milestones
Some of the Company technological developments milestones:
By mid-2010, the Company began testing supercavitation apparatuses of various configurations for several water-related applications. In 2012 ACT published results of its lab demonstrations that showed supercavitation was a highly efficient approach for a range of water treatment processes.
At 2011 following processes were validated: finest stable emulsions from immiscible liquids (oil/water. fuels/water) generating; direct contact heating of liquids by flammable gases and liquids; water activation (alteration water basic physical and chemical properties);
At 2012 novel Advanced Oxidation Fenton-based process dramatically intensified by hydrodynamic cavitation was invented, developed and validated.
2012 – energy-efficient gasses compression;
2013: extremely efficient and low-cost process of water de-ironing developed and validated; Manganese removal from water;
2013: Liquids degassing; Separation ammonia and VOC from water by air stripping and sparging;
2013-2014: Novel Flotation Separation Process was developed and validated for solid/liquid separation, and for emulsions braking and its components separation;
2013-2014: novel zone-based Advanced Oxidation process developed and validated;
2014: efficient and fast water chlorination and de-chlorination demonstrated;
2015: novel processes of energy-efficient wastewater aeration and efficient activated sludge milling were realized at lab and semi-industrial scale;
2015: novel breakthrough Advanced Oxidation Process based on the generating radicals from basic oxidants was realized and tested;
2017: Novel Wastewater Aeration Technology CAVITECH developed: game-changing advantages in low costs and uniquely high energy efficiency make it a one-of-a-kind amongst aeration technologies.
2019 & 2020: European Commission awarded CAVITECH Seal Of Excellence as one of the best and promising technologies, and recommended to invest into it.